. Status banner at the time of replying to messages But before going to set up status banner Outside of time, you can reply to messages. Must go to settings at Time to reply to messages first Then come back to the page. status banner It will be possible to customize the message on the status banner. Outside business hours as follows: “I am currently out of hours to answer messages. We will reply to your message as soon as it is time to reply to your message.” Set an automatic reply message that has been set in the feature Auto reply message Choose the average message response time:
On average, we will respond within “10 minutes” or “1 hour” “or 1 day”. Just Special Data like this, you will be able to easily manage the wait for a response from the admin to your customers. Help reduce complaints from customers. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ And here is an example of how a user or customer will see a status banner from the chat page with your LINE OA business account. Just like this, your LINE OA will be able to manage the wait. Response from admin to customers easily It also helps reduce complaints about slow responses.

You can get it from customers. You are here: HomeLifestyleLINE Sponsored Stickers that tell your brand. Sep 24 2021 Lifestyle Create a memorable brand with LINE Sponsored Stickers that express your brand. Of course, nowadays LINE is the main communication platform. Whether using chat to talk with friends, family, loved ones, or even within the organization itself, using it to communicate with employees. And what should not be missed is business because it must be used to communicate with customers.