Universities, hospitals, public administrations, some large institutions or media outlets have websites in which the amount of information accumulated is enormous and of great value. Frequently, in addition, it is content created with a very specialized language that makes it difficult to locate when the user is not familiar with the jargon of the sector. In a search, the message of interest is presented undifferentiated among dozens, hundreds or thousands of URLs that address the same topic with very few variations. For example, searching for an urban layout for a specific building on an avenue with a thousand street numbers. The user will find the versions for each portal, for each building, the old ones, the current ones, the unapproved proposals, the provisions on secondary and parallel issues, etc.
Finding what you are looking for can be a problem. Parametric navigation for few records and sparse speech To solve similar situations, online catalogs and stores have chosen to program parametric navigation . The user is offered a series of search boxes and selectors in the interface that allow him to refine the classification parameters of the articles. The example of Camper, above and one of the most elegant, allows you to filter the new products, the best sellers Special Data the collections, the type of shoe, the size, the color or whether they have a heel. It also allows you to sort the list by price or according to brand recommendations. The lack of abundant branded traffic harms the parametric approach limited to site navigation The objective is to reduce the possible results as much as possible and direct the client towards the product they are looking for.
When selecting a shoe, a page opens with its own URL that can be located directly from a search engine such as Google. But the user hardly uses a search engine, because the quality of the literary content of the catalog pages is very poor. For example, the Pimpom sandal is defined in the description as New Natural Hybrid. New sandal in natural colors with fun textures . As noted, it is a classic empty marketing message, repeating new twice and using generic fun textures instead of describing the product in greater detail. But, in addition, one of the perverse effects of parametric navigation is the loss of classification elements that had previously been used as filters to locate the URL and that place the product in the category that a user can try to locate. Continuing in Pimpom, the woman criterion has disappeared from the headlines and the body of text. On the page, it only appears in the navigation menu and in the attribute title.